Clinical Learning Hub – Wound Care Learning Webinars
Webinars provide a valuable way to gain insight and education on key topics in wound care presented by trusted wound care experts – to watch live or in your own time. Wound care online course topics range from various therapy areas and the care and management of these conditions, such as: DFU, VLU, Skin tears, Pressure Ulcers
Live webinars offer the chance to ask questions in real time, while on-demand viewing lets you tailor your own wound care learning to get the practical information you need and access to clinical breakthroughs and evidence you want to learn about. Webinars last between 20 and 60 minutes.
Browse the webinars below by filtering through the topics. You can also get an overview of the upcoming webinars thsi year, by clicking on the calendar below.
Webinar Calendar 2020

Downloadable resources
- PU - Role of dressings in Pressure Ulcer Prevention (585 kB)
- DFU - algorithm for assessment and dressings selection (2.14 MB)
- DFU HCP brochure (4.61 MB)
- DFU patient brochure (1011 kB)
- VLU Algorithm of for assessment & dressing selection (1.49 MB)
- Treating Skin tears brochure (5.2 MB)
- Silver containing foam dressings with Safetac: A review of the scientific and clinical data (983 kB)